Friday, May 13, 2011

Mmm more food

At almost six months Tilly has a wide variety of fruit and vege on her menu. Yesterdays visit to the health nurse revealed that mum should be feeding Tilly more at each meal, considering how active she is and that way hopeful she will sleep better at night...Fingers crossed. This morning Tilly has had nearly 3 times as much as what she usually does.

Her gums are all inflamed as well so this could be adding to the sleeplessness.

Size wise Tilly is now 7.4kg and 67cm long. Long and lean. Not that you can tell from looking at her, she has little rolls all the way up her legs.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Almost talking

Tilly says mmmmm, this morning.

and something that resembles mumma this afternoon

her attempt at mumma is right at the start of the video.... then she is a baby pterodactyl

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Catch up

We are calling her the cute assassin at the moment. She grabs our hair and pulls (better than pulling her own hair , which she only just stopped doing) and took a chunk out of mums nose with her nails.

Tilly has started sitting up longer on her own and gets herself around the house comando style.
We don't think it will be long before she is crawling or her first tooth arrives.

And there have been a few first over the last few months

First trip to the beach - she loved it as long as it wasn't too hot or too much glare, so any time before 9am

First Easter - no chocolate but 3 days at the caravan was on the menu

First trip to emergency - had a virus and inflamed throat. 5 hrs to rehydrated her.

Starting solids - she now has 3 meals a day and gets very cranky if we are eating and she isn't

Moved into her own room - now to just sleep through the night

Had her first trip to the movies with her big sis


Sunday, February 6, 2011

Hands are delicious

Our super cute little angel is spending most of her days sucking on her fingers. Sometimes she is having so much fun with her fingers in her mouth that she tries to put her whole hand in and gags.

Tilly's hair has thinned out since she was born but aside from a bald patch at the back she still has a lots of her original hair. She has beefed up a lot lately also and is now wearing 000.

Tilly is giggling, smiling and talking (cooing) all the time. She has great conversations with you and even sounds like she is saying "hello". She hardly cries and only whinges when she either wants a drink, has done a poo or wants to sleep.

She is a treat to take out and sleeps like a dream, putting herself to sleep in her cot. Tilly loves bath time and her nightly massage and wriggles with excitement when she hears the bath running and sees the bottle of massage lotion.

Tilly gives her Dad big smiles all the time and gets very excited when she sees her big sister coming for a rough up.

Tilly will be 12 weeks in a couple of days, so we will be getting all her measurements done this week to see how much she has grown in the last month.

Friday, January 7, 2011

7 weeks already

How time flies when your having fun, Tilly has even been on her first holiday to Kingscliff - which she slept through.

Poor Tilly had a rough first couple of weeks with visits from Lactation Consultants and trips to the hospital to see Paediatricians. After a week of constant screaming it turns out that Tilly is lactose intolerant, mummy is now off dairy and within 48hrs Tilly was like a brand new baby. She still has a few belly upsets every now and then but nothing like the screaming of the first weeks.

Mummy is calling our new baby Amazing Tilly. Unlike her big sister, if Tilly is tired she can just be put straight into the cot and left to go to sleep all on her own. It took us a few weeks to work this out though, as Tilly was crying we were trying to console her (like we did for Ruby) and she was getting more and more frustrated in our arms, in the end we put her down. She stopped crying and closed her eyes.

The last few weeks Tilly has started to smile at us and started making cooing noises when she sees us. She looks around the room for you and watches everything her big sister does - this could be a safety reflex!

Tilly has also started chewing on her hand the last few days.....mummy thinks she is going crazy or could be just paranoid after Ruby started teething so early but there looks to be teeth in her gums this possible?????

And Tilly seems to be loosing her beautiful hair. Mummy keeps finding strands, although Tilly is quite partial to pulling on her own hair for some strange reason, so maybe it could just be the ones she has pulled out.